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Gotta chance to play your game. it’s ddef a unique experience and I’m intrigued to see what you’ve got in mind for other chapter’s. Good luck withthis and I’ll def be watching your progress!

You can check out my playthru here:

Thanks for playing this build of fragment:AM! Your feedback is appreciated. Development of this chapter and the next one will continue in the upcoming months so keep an eye  on this page. Once again thanks for playing our game!


A really interesting experience!

The game keeps surprising you at every corner with really fresh and engaging visuals, both in the pixel art sections as well as the comix segments - yes, this game is heavily inspired by comix and it gives you a similar experience, it's like a game version of comix, the way it weaves around different scenarios and characters, you really feel like you're not only reading panels, but also like you are an active character in those panels.

I really liked the Final Stage (no spoilers heh) and as someone who played the previous versions, I really enjoyed the way the original idea is being pushed further and really thoroughly explored in this latest Chapter!

My condolences to Ryle, but I think I'll be dreaming about this game for a while... And I still need to try out all the endings!!!

Thank you very much for your feedback. We guess that you got the true ending of the chapter instead of the bad ones??? Those are still a bit placeholder and need some work tbh........... We'll keep you posted on updates for sure. Thanks!

RPG and story lovers rejoyce, here's a game to fill your needs on good writing AND amazing art! It's hard to pinpoint what exactly made me play this game for 6 hours instead of only 2, the art style of Artifical Behaviour reeled me in from the start but it's Rudolfo's writing that made me play this thing more than once.

Mixing PISS and SKANK jokes with the existential crisis of being an artist (or any role related to it), will throw your brain in a spin, trying to grasp what this fragment of reality means; Is it just a daydream of a comic book author, wanting to escpae from the burden of having to make meaningful OR comercial art? Is it just taking the piss by following existencial discourse with... Piss jokes? I don't know, I love it anyway.

Comic book enthusiasts HAVE to play this as it has some gems regarding the genre, and I'm not even talking about the actual comics you can read in the game.

For a first game of the author, this is brilliantly done. I know I'll revisit some time in the future when the weed fumes aren't enough to fuel my daydream needs.

Oh....... This review mentions the very first version of the game!!! It has changed quite a lot in the last year or so... We advise you to try it again as it is a completely different experience (shorter too!). Thank you so much for your feedback.